
兄弟物流集团(香港)有限公司是一家港资老牌跨境物流企业,是较早从事中港运输行业的车队和货柜拖车行之一,公司自开展中港物流业务以来,自营车队车辆增加至中港跨境拖头20多台(含冷冻架),跨境吨车10余部,并整合了外部挂靠车辆30余台,是一家集中港优势资源于一身的综合型物流企业。 我司香港境内在葵涌、屯门、元朗开设了3个大型的分拨仓库,其中屯门仓针对跨境电商企业,还增设了恒温仓储及全套冷库设备。

香港公司专注中港柜车、吨车跨境运输,公司车辆全部实行一车两司机制,固定一台车一个香港司机和一个大陆司机,这样有效的解决了司机疲劳驾驶带来的隐患,大陆司机开车到工厂装货,礼貌善于沟通,有效的避免了香港司机与工厂仓库工作人员发生矛盾,我们能够完全按照客户要求准时到厂。公司所有司机都与公司签订长期工作协议,司机持有股权,与公司利益捆绑在一起, 促使司机有着良好的服务意识和责任感。 公司车辆全部是瑞典的SCANIA和日本的ISUZU,单台车价值差不多100万港币,车辆有着良好稳定的性能,为保障客户运输过程安全和运行提供有力的保障,每周日车队长都会将车辆进行系统的维护检查。公司所有司机均是有着几十年驾龄的老驾驶员,全部持有A2以上驾驶执照,并且熟悉广东省线路和路况,熟悉各个海关的流程,为客户运输过程提供更加强有力的支持。公司车辆配备GPS全球定位系统,全程掌握车辆动态和位置,并及时的回馈信息给客户。 
1. 中港集装箱拖车、吨车、中港平板、吊臂、危险品车承运业务,80%车辆具备了电子关锁 。
2. 中越陆运--北越河内ICD、北江、北宁保税区及散拼服务,凭祥、南宁和河内均有货仓可以中转集货。
3. 中港货运一日游业务、中港报关一条龙(大陆报关,大陆舱单,香港清关,香港无缝清关)。
4. 香港仓储,库内打包及分拣,本港LOCAL派送装卸等服务,跨境电商E特快进口。
5. FBA亚马逊欧洲、美国、加拿大空派、海派头程服务及海外仓服务等。
微信搜索关注公众号:BLG兄弟集团 ,获取更多行业信息,感恩、谢谢!
Hong Kong Brother Logistics Group of Mainly engaged in logistics between the Mainland and Hong Kong, local delivery and warehousing in Hong Kong. We are committed to provide our customers with professional transport between Hong Kong and Mainland, Hong Kong Ferry Terminal, Hong Kong Airport, ocean / air transport warehouses, door to door transport, import and export clearance, labeling, Hong Kong and Mainland transport and intermodal services. Warehouse is located in Wooden Walk Ha Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, covering about 6,000 square meters, convenient transportation, good location. Welcome to inquire, negotiate!
We always hold customers for the special attitude, there are a number of professional consultants to provide customers with quotations and a single service and answer the various problems with the speed, also have someone to follow up the customer files, in order to continuously improve to provide customers with the most satisfactory quality of service.
We have perfect communications equipment, to meet the multi-faceted needs of customers, equipped with electric forklift more than one, providing 24-hour CCTV monitoring, security and unloading services, with Hong Kong and Mainland car 37, LOCAL car owned 21. Main Hong Kong and Mainland and local drag counters / bulk cargo transport, haulage, demolition cabinets, equipment cabinets, for single, mention / delivery, airport customs clearance, Hong Kong customs declaration, Hong Kong receipt agency and other services.
We have a group of professional logistics management, operational personnel, for our customers to provide first-class logistics operations and real-time logistics information services. 
Hong Kong warehouse services:
We provide professional warehousing services in Hong Kong, we have a group of experienced professional team to provide and manage a variety of value-added services to meet our customers ‘demand complex logistics and distribution. Efficient management gives companies a competitive advantage over other competitors. We will tailor-made logistics plans to meet the needs of each client, our goal is to be a strategic partner for our clients' logistics management. Logistics Warehouse Services: General cargo storage, packaging, distribution of goods, third-party logistics management and integration, reception/storage, packing/unpacking/labeling/punching board and other value-added services.

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